Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Planting First Veggies

While I was getting my dirt at Kelli Green Garden, I also picked up a few seedlings and some seeds.

These are the seedlings- broccoli and red lettuce. 
I then planted the seeds in old containers and egg cartons. Initially, I was going to bring them indoors at night since it still gets a little chilly. However, I am not bringing them inside due to the amount of bugs in the dirt- even termites. I was really worried when I saw the termites, so I looked it up and found out that they are not harmful to gardens, but can actually help move organic matter around. You just want to make sure your house is protected against them. So, they will staying outside, wish I would have just planted them in the garden instead.

Tip: Although the chalkboard stakes are adorable, they aren't really practical in a garden. When you water your plants and they get wet, your plant names get erased :/ I think I'm going to paint over the chalkboard paint with regular paint and write the names with a sharpie.
Everything together!
I'll keep y'all posted on how things are growing!

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