Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bye bye holiday decorations

Today, I felt like I was ready to take all of our holiday decorations down and undress our tree. I haven't been in a hurry to do so because I love the way everything looked and the festive spirit it all gave off. However, I'm ready to put the holidays and 2015 behind me and jump into the new year! Here is how I put away all of my decorations and ornaments in under an hour. 

First, I gather all the decorations and remove the oranaments from the tree. I then place them all in one central location. 
Next, I grab my plastic bins out of the garage. So far, I only have three of them but I'm sure my collection will continue to grow! 

I keep all of the boxes that the ornaments came in so I can safely store them. 
I pull out all of the boxes and place the ornaments back in. I store the plastic ornaments in gallon zip lock bags. 

For now I am able to keep all of the ornaments in one container, other decorations in another, and lights in a third. 
And that's it! All of our decorations are stored away safely until the holidays! 

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